AirMaster 4000D - Troubleshooting Connections and Configurations

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AirMaster 4000D - Troubleshooting Connections and Configurations

Post by JimHelms »

The AirMaster 4000D is a CAT4 outdoor router that works with Sprint Band 41. It seems to accept an activated SIM Card from the vast majority of third party Sprint hotspot providers as well as some phone and tablet plans.

The User Manual is available below:

AirMaster 4000D User Manual.pdf

While the AirMaster is generally a plug and play unit for most users, some donor devices of SIM Cards and plans may need to be manually configured to connect to the network. An improperly prepared SIM Card and/or lack of Band 41 network service will also prevent acquiring internet service.

UPDATE: 02-10-2020 A member on this group experienced connection issues, and his RESOLUTION has helped other members as well. Another great tutorial by one of our members can be found HERE.

Users MUST confirm that they have access to an actual Sprint TOWER that transmits Band 41 (registering the “home” PLMN)–as opposed to a tower from another carrier that is allowing Sprint to “roam” on their network.

This tutorial will help troubleshoot common connection issues with the AirMaster.

IMPORTANT: A quality CAT6A (or equivalent) Ethernet cable MUST be used to connect the AirMaster to the PoE power adapter injector. A CAT5e and/or other small wire Ethernet cables are insufficient to carry the voltage required to operate the AirMaster--they will power on the unit, but they will NOT power the internal modem. If it does not power the modem, it will not receive signals and will not connect to the internet.

Before you begin: If you have a hotspot, phone or other donor device of the SIM card to be used in the AirMaster, be certain it connecting to the Band 41 "home PLMN" (i.e., 310, 120) on the Sprint Network. You will also need to determine:
  • MCC-MNC used by the device to connect to the network.
  • APN being used by the device to connect to the network.
  • Whether device and plan is utilizing IPV6 to connect to the network, tested HERE:

This information may be required in one or more steps outlined below.

The MCC-MNC and APN information is generally available in device's network setting or the web user interface under the network information. If you do not know how to access this information on your device, GOOGLE it.

Be sure and use the device's internet connection when testing for the IPV6 connectivity.

Some examples of Sprint MCC-MNC:

Code: Select all

310 120
310 830
311 260
311 490
311 870
311 880
311 882
311 940
312 190
312 240
312 250
312 530
Sprint's APN's:

Code: Select all



Connect the 4000D using an appropriate Ethernet cable (Cat6A recommended) to the PoE power adapter RJ45 port marked "Data & Power Out".

Important: The type of Ethernet cable is important for the 4000D to function properly since it must be able to provide adequate voltage to power both the router and its internal modem. It is possible to provide enough voltage to power on the 4000D (giving the impression that all is working), but not enough voltage for the internal modem to receive a network signal. For purposes of troubleshooting a device with no signal input (see below), use a short (and/or different) Ethernet cable--Cat6A minimum--to connect between the AirMaster and the PoE adapter injector.

Connect a PC to the "Data In" port on the PoE adapter using another Ethernet cable.

The Power, RUN, and LAN LED's on the rear of the AirMaster should now be on.


The very first item to test if whether the AirMaster is receiving signals from the network. Without signals, there can be no connection. A SIM Card is not required to test for network signals but is required to connect to the network to receive internet service.

Each AirMaster is tested before shipping. A print out of its signal stats is included with each unit.

It is best to stand or prop up the 4000D up on its triangle tip with the flat part of the unit (i.e., antenna) pointed in the general direction of the Sprint tower. Depending on the distance from the tower and the surrounding terrain, it is possible the 4000D may need to be outdoors to obtain a signal.

Using a web browser, log into the CPU by typing the IP address [url=][/url] in the upper window of the web browser.

When the Log In to window appears, use the admin password to log in to the 4000D:

Code: Select all

Click on the LTE -> OVERVIEW tab, and scroll down to the RADIO INFORMATION. There you should see reading for the RSRP, RSSI, RSRQ, and SINR.

AirMaster Testing for Signals.png

If no signal readings are present, and assuming you are using the properly rated CAT6A Ethernet cable, chances are you do not have a usable home Band 41 signal. Once again, without signals there can be no internet connection.

If there are no signals stats showing, the first task is to Restore the AirMaster to its default settings. This is easily done from within the web user interface.


Restore to Default Setting.png

When the AirMaster reboots, log back into the router. If there are no still no signal readings, we will next search for other possible PLMN's while allowing the 4000D to roam.

PLMN stands tor Public Land Mobile Network. It consists of a series of numbers that identifies the MCC (Mobile Country Code) and the MNC (Mobile Network Code) which is tied to a specific network carrier.

Go to the LTE -> PLMN SELECTION > PLMN > NETWORK MODEM and select the NOMADIC mode.

For those interested:
Nomadic wireless is a network technology that provides wireless connectivity to devices via antennas in a limited area. In contrast to mobile, which means "on the go," the term nomadic refers to a semi-portable state. Most nomadic wireless technology providers are stationary tools, such as local antennas, which provide connections to user devices within range.
So, in a nutshell, the Nomadic mode is best used for a stationary device such as the static installation of the 4000D where the device will not be changing towers while moving--although it can also be set to ALLOW ROAMING.

Select Nomadic Mode.png

Next, assure Allow Roaming is Enabled, and click on the Search Button:

Search Nomadic Mode.png

It should now be searching the Network:

Searching the Network.png

After its search has completed, select the PLMN ID drop down box to see the results:

Search Completed.png

In the example above, we see the following PLMNs:

Code: Select all

310 830
312 530
310 120
311 882
The 310 and 311 represent a MCC in the USA.

In order to check the MNC of the PLMN we can use THIS posting. From there, I can see the MNC's located by the AirMaster all belonged to Sprint.

310-830 Sprint
310-120 Sprint
311-882 Sprint
312-530 Sprint

Different devices and plans appear to use different MNC's to connect to the network. A device may use the IMSI from the SIM Card to query the proper MCC and MNC for its home network. The device may then look in an APN table in the device's firmware to to arrive at the correct APN and whether it is IPV4, IPV6, or IPV4V6 APN--which will be addressed further in this posting.

If you see the MCC-MNC that is used by your device, then Select that combination and Add into list. Then Save and Apply.

Adding MCC-MNC to List.png

If you do not see your device's MCC-MNC listed in the drop down selection, you use the Add button to manually add it. You may also try to reposition the AirMaster to different location and/or pointed in a different direction, and do the Search once again.

Most of Sprint's data devices seem to use a MCC of 310 and a MNC of 120 though this may not be always true.

In theory, one could enter all of Sprint's MCC and MNC values, and assign the UP priority to correspond with whatever the donor SIM Card device is using to connect.


With the SIM Card installed in the 4000D, to to LTE -> SIM CARD and check the SIM CARD STATE.

SIM Card Error.png

If there is an ERROR, make sure the SIM Card is installed in the SIM Card adapter properly. Using a emery board or piece of sand paper placed flat on a surface, gently remove all of the tabs/tits off all sides of the SIM Card.

The SIM Card must fit perfect into the adapter and without forcing it into place--not too tight, but not too loose. After sanding the tits off the SIM Card and placing into the adapter, clean the metal portion of the SIM using an alcohol pad to remove all dust and oil. Try to refrain from touching the metal part with your fingers.

Make sure the SIM card is secured into the adapter with either a piece of scotch tape or a drop of glue. This will help prevent the SIM card from fall out of the adapter upon installation--otherwise, it can fall into the unit which requires removing the screws and separating the antenna cases to retrieve.

A properly installed and activated SIM Card will show up as Not Blocked.

SIM Card Not Blocked.png

It will also show up in the Overview tab under LTE Information as the SIM Card State as Ready.

Check SIM Card Status.png

Anything other showing represents issues with the SIM Card or installation.


Assuming now that we have signals and that the SIM card is properly detected and ready, but it still will not connect to the network, we will next look at manually configuring the APN.

By default, the AirMaster uses an IPV4V6 APN. This may not be true for the donor device of the SIM Card and plan. For instance, some of the hotspot devices and plans, can only use an IPV4 APN, while others (i.e., Sprint tablet plans) may only accept an IPV6 APN and will not connect using IPV4 (or, so we have heard).

This is where your APN and IPV6 ready state (as tested using the link at the beginning) will come into play.

If you are NOT IPV6 ready, then you will need to use a IPV4 APN that your donor device is using.

These will show the possible combinations that may be added depending on your particular needs:

Enter the APN and IP Type that your donor device is using, and then ADD. You can ADD up to 8 different APN combinations, and configure (UP) yours as top priority Class Id #1.

Note, that if more than one APN is listed/included, the Class ID's should be different and arranged in order of priority (i.e., #1, #2, #3....). In reality, it will only require a single IPV4 or IPV4V6 APN to connect. Both may be configured at Class ID #1 and #2.

Then, Save and Apply.

Configuring APN's.png

If your device was using an IPV4 APN (or IPV6 only) go the the NETWORK -> INTERNET -> OPTIONAL -> IP TYPE and select accordingly. Then, Save & Apply.

IP Type Settings.png

Unplug the power from the AirMaster and wait a few seconds, then power up again. Hopefully, if everything is configured correctly, you will have an internet connection.
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