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Current Time: 17278 Temperature: 43
Reset Counter: 4 Mode: ONLINE
System mode: LTE PS state: Attached
LTE band: B25 LTE bw: 5 MHz
LTE Rx chan: 8315 LTE Tx chan: 26315
EMM state: Registered Normal Service
RRC state: RRC Connected
IMS reg state: No Srv
PCC RxM RSSI: -71 RSRP (dBm): -93
PCC RxD RSSI: -72 RSRP (dBm): -97
Tx Power: 0 TAC: 2E06 (11782)
RSRQ (dB): -9.7 Cell ID: 05C1380A (96548874)
SINR (dB): 7.6
The remedy can very from telling the router to reconnect to the modem in the misc tab. to restarting the wan interface. Sometimes however a full reboot is needed after which it will take the router ~5 to 10 minutes to reestablish the connection.
The router firmware is GoldenOrb_2019-01-13. However I have had the issue with the 2017 and 2018 firmwares as well.
Using QIM or MBIM modes has not seen any changes. I've also tried experimenting with various MTU values with no luck. I've also tried disabling the wifi radios.
I am able to maintain the connection when using an m.2 to usb enclosure connected directly to my PC.
Any direction at this point would be greatly appreciated.