Minor issue(s) with invisagig

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Minor issue(s) with invisagig

Post by MOTivatiON »

First, I live in an area where cell signal is down right terrible.

I literally have just one spot in my house where I am get somewhat decent speeds. I’ve gotten up to 490 (rare) average about 220). I I move it out of the one spot I usually don’t get higher than 20 mbps up.

Picked up the invisagig and locked bands to at least keep the speeds above 150…every now and then it will drop lower but once in a blue moon. Nothing a quick ban release and relock won’t fix.

The problem (s):

My wife who works from home, (nurse), apparently can’t access her work application with the current set up, invisagig, amplifi wifi 6 alien router. She can get on the internet, get on teams, but her main portal (epic) she’s unable to load the portal. (her work server denies her when she connects on the wifi/plugged in network with the alien)

I remembered earlier when I was using the first generation google she could. So I went out and bought her the google nest wifi pro. The speeds before would never go above 100 now i get about max 250 consistently.

Now she’s able to get on to her work portal. However, now I can’t access The redirect page does load but it never redirects or if it does it just goes to a blank screen and I never get the interface. How can I fix this?

Lastly, (separate problem) I noticed that the PS5 data is leaking hotspot even with TTL being set to 65. Anyone have a solution to this? All other traffic routes properly. I am on the latest beta software, if that matters. Thanks in advance for any help.
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Re: Minor issue(s) with invisagig

Post by Didneywhorl »

I feel like this was answered already, but now I'm not seeing it. On Facebook maybe?
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