It's mtd1, "mibib" and mtd2 "efs2 that are the problems. Here's what my df looks likecat /proc/mtd
dev: size erasesize name
mtd0: 00280000 00040000 "sbl"
mtd1: 00280000 00040000 "mibib"
mtd2: 01680000 00040000 "efs2"
mtd3: 00100000 00040000 "tz"
mtd4: 000c0000 00040000 "rpm"
mtd5: 00100000 00040000 "aboot"
mtd6: 00a40000 00040000 "boot"
mtd7: 00080000 00040000 "scrub"
mtd8: 046c0000 00040000 "modem"
mtd9: 00180000 00040000 "misc"
mtd10: 00a80000 00040000 "recovery"
mtd11: 000c0000 00040000 "fota_none"
mtd12: 016c0000 00040000 "recoveryfs"
mtd13: 08880000 00040000 "system"
mtd14: 00f80000 00040000 "pad1"
mtd15: 01440000 00040000 "userrw"
mtd16: 03ac0000 00040000 "hdata"
mtd17: 075c0000 00040000 "ntgfota"
mtd18: 008c0000 00040000 "cust"
mtd19: 00740000 00040000 "persist"
Even running "fdisk -l" just to take a peek at those two results in an immediate reboot. So, again, any thoughts much appreciated.df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
ubi0:rootfs 83016 56788 26228 68% /
tmpfs 64 4 60 6% /dev
tmpfs 199952 24 199928 0% /run
tmpfs 199952 204 199748 0% /var/volatile
tmpfs 199952 0 199952 0% /media/ram
ubi0:usrfs 24484 24 24460 0% /data
/dev/ubi1_0 52000 37572 14428 72% /firmware
ubi2:userrw 4896 1004 3892 21% /mnt/userrw
ubi3:hdata 44540 11008 33532 25% /mnt/hdata
tmpfs 4 0 4 0% /media/drives
var 199952 204 199748 0% /var
/dev/loop0 896 896 0 100% /mnt/hdata/licenses
/dev/sda1 30271040 499344 29771696 2% /media/drives/usb/sda1