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Franklin R850 tethering ?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 6:58 am
by CAL77
I posted this problem on the ROOter board, but without the ability to show pictures, it's a little hard to describe. So, my apologies to the many of you who watch Wireless Joint and ROOter for the duplicate question.

I've been running two ZTE Warp Connects (MF920VHS) in hostless mode. Worked great, no muss no fuss.

But, both units had expanding batteries, so the vendor replaced them with Franklin R850's. It seems like most people have moved past the R850's, but that's what I now have. I can't get ROOter to see that they are connected.

The modem firmware is, WebApp R850.SP31.1566 . Here's a pic of the hidden menu. Googling shows other firmware versions that specifically have a tethering option, but mine doesn't. Most of the other hidden menu options require the MSL.

Any ideas on what I can do? Thanks!

Re: Franklin R850 tethering ?

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 9:54 pm
by CAL77
So, no hope?

Re: Franklin R850 tethering ?

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 10:00 pm
by RussWestrem
Openwrt does not have drivers available to run the Franklin r850. Your only option is using the hotspot manager and doing the tethering via wifi.

Re: Franklin R850 tethering ?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 6:16 am
by CAL77
Thanks, Russ. Would you please elaborate on doing that?

Are you suggesting a way to use the Wi-Fi radios in the (ROOter) router to tether the R850 to the ROOter, which then would re-broadcast to the wired Ethernet network going out of the router? It's not obvious to me how I do that, so I'd appreciate a pointer.