Cradlepoint - Setting T-Mobile's APN

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Cradlepoint - Setting T-Mobile's APN

Post by JimHelms »

This tutorial will demonstrate how to set the APN to use a T-Mobile SIM Card with the Cradlepoint CBA850LP6 and other Cradlepoint routers.

This process may also be used to set most any other carrier's APN that may not be contained in the Cradlepoint software--i.e., the APN does not auto populate in the Connection Manager interface.

Note: The CBA850LP6 uses a standard (FULL) sized SIM Card. T-Mobile has a 3 in 1 SIM Card that may be used. Otherwise, if using a mini, nano or micro SIM card, a SIM Card Adapter is required.

Unplug power from the router, and remove the MC400LP6 modem. This may first require removing the single phillips head screw and the white snap on cap which secures the modem in place. Once removed, the modem will slide out of the CBA850 router.

Insert an activated SIM Card (and adapter if required) into SIM Card slot 1 on the MC400LP6 modem.

Install the MC400LP6 modem and attach the two antennas to the MAIN and AUX antenna connectors (hand tighten only).

Plug in the power adapter to power on the router.

Log into the router via a web browser by typing in the routers IP Address of [url=][/url]

Unless already changed, the user login name is:

Code: Select all

Likewise, use the default password (unless changed) that is listed on the decal on bottom of the CBA850.

Once logged in, select the CONNECTION MANAGER from the left menu. You should see that SIM 1 shows T-Mobile as the carrier, but is void of its APN.

T-Mobile SIM - No APN.png

Next, right click the mouse in the grey area corresponding to the T-Mobile SIM and select EDIT:

Edit WAN Interface.png

From the WAN Interface Profile window, select the SIM/APN/AUTH from the left menu. Next to the Access Point Name (APN) select the Default Override option.

APN Override.png

Next to the APN, type (or copy and paste) T-Mobile's APN:

Code: Select all
And, SAVE.

TMO APN Override.png

Once saved, the modem will disappear from the CONNECTION MANAGER while the APN is being implemented in a new Modem Profile.

Modem disconnect for APN.png

The modem will very shortly reappear in the CONNECTION MANAGER and in a minute or two, should show connected.

T-Mobile Connected.png

One thing to keep in mind is that the CONNECTION MANAGER created a new Modem Profile for SIM Slot 1 for the T-Mobile configuration (Modem-dabaff9 in the example above).

If one decides to use an AT&T SIM card in SIM Card Slot 1, this new Modem Profile with T-Mobile's APN will not work for AT&T.

To remove this new profile, Right Click on the grey area of the new Modem Profile and select Delete >> and then YES.

Delete a Modem Profile.png
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