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Synology Router and EM7565

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 1:05 pm
by Woolaroc
I have a Synology RT2600ac Router and it's corresponding AP/extender. I've been looking at builing a Pi to attach the EM7565 too, but remembered that the RT2600ac has a USB port that will accept a USB LTE Modem. If this is the case, can I skip the Raspberry Pi requirement and simply attach the EM7565 to this ... enclosure/ and it will work with the RT2600ac?

Re: Synology Router and EM7565

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 9:08 pm
by JimHelms
It is very doubtful if the RT2600ac has driver support for the EM7565, and I do not see a GoldenOrb build for that router.

It may be possible to send a request on the GoldenOrb/ROOter forum to see if the RT2600ac is compatible with a GoldenOrb build.