Golden Orb Public Static IP Issues - MWAN3
Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 3:09 pm
On my Ubiquiti USG, I had a static public IP for my fixed wireless connection, and was able to have my LTE connection as a 2 WAN, all worked fine, no issues. I moved over to an 826-t2, then to an M2M both with Golden Orb -openwrt-18.06 branch (git-18.210.69179-6df9a57) / GoldenOrb_2018-11-02
In both of those cases I was not able to get the static public IP to work (it works with dhcp however). It shows connected (below) on the interface page, but the diag pings fail, and mwan3 eventually shows a failed connection. Any thoughts? Is this a bug? Where can I look for logs ?
and I have it configured as this : Here is mwans status Here is how I have it config'd Thanks
On my Ubiquiti USG, I had a static public IP for my fixed wireless connection, and was able to have my LTE connection as a 2 WAN, all worked fine, no issues. I moved over to an 826-t2, then to an M2M both with Golden Orb -openwrt-18.06 branch (git-18.210.69179-6df9a57) / GoldenOrb_2018-11-02
In both of those cases I was not able to get the static public IP to work (it works with dhcp however). It shows connected (below) on the interface page, but the diag pings fail, and mwan3 eventually shows a failed connection. Any thoughts? Is this a bug? Where can I look for logs ?
and I have it configured as this : Here is mwans status Here is how I have it config'd Thanks