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WE 826 no sim card or internet on LAN or WIFI

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 4:36 pm
by aimlesstravels
Hello, I have a we826 with a fresh flash of the firmware reccommended on the start up tutorial. I dont have a sim card installed but I do have the sierra wireless mc 7455 installed. I will be purchasing a sim card in the future.

Currently I am trying to use the wifi hotspot manager to connect to a nearby wifi connection and connect to the rebroadcasted signal since the router has a stronger antenna than my laptop.

I see the rooter connection via a lan cable and the rooter wifi signal however both say internet is not available when I am connected to them.
I have tried flashing the most recent golden orb firmware as well. I assumed something like this would be somewhat easy to do but I have been stuck for a while.

Please help!
Thanks in advance.

Re: WE 826 no sim card or internet on LAN or WIFI

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 7:56 am
by JimHelms
The WE826 wifi chipset makes it a poor choice to use for a wifi hotspot manager--although I have heard some users being able to use it.

I personally have never tried it so I can be of little help. You may try a search here on the forum, or the GoldenOrb forum.

Re: WE 826 no sim card or internet on LAN or WIFI

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 9:59 am
by aimlesstravels
Ok that makes sense.
I'm very new to the openwrt and networking scene. Is there a way to leverage multiple routers for my scenario?