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WE826-T2/EM7565 questions

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 10:23 am
by Mbezzlr
I'm looking to order the WE826T2. I was originally considering the MC7455, but I noticed on CellMapper that the AT&T towers near me are using band 66. Can someone confirm that I'm making the right decision by ordering the EM7565 instead? This will be my home internet connection. My only other option is an unstable DSL connection from ATT, which has been inadequate.

Next Question: Will I be able to use a VPN with the WE826-T2? Is it built into the default router interface (or at least into one of the optional firmwares: WiFix or R00ter)?

I saw the following in the review section of the EM7565 on The Wireless Haven: "Lightning fast and reliable. Rock solid on Sprint with updated firmware… does not experience the 3x times a day disconnect that the MC7455 does (though that one is solid on Verizon). Don’t forget the m.2 to USB adapter to update the firmware before installing or Sprint will throttle it."

What exactly does that mean? Should I flash the EM7565 with the specific ATT firmware, or just use the generic? Do I need a converter to do this over USB, or can it be accomplished through the router's interface? If I do need a m.2 to USB converter, there are several to choose from. Which should I use?

Thanks for your help!

Re: WE826-T2/EM7565 questions

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 4:24 pm
by JimHelms
There is a post on the forum regarding issues with OpenVPN on the WE826-T2 using GoldenOrb. You should be able to find it using the search bar. I do not know if his particular issue was resolved.

The MC7455 firmware was known to have issues on the Sprint network where the EM7565 does not. I believe the latest Sierra Wireless firmware update for the MC7455 addressed the reconnection issues. It has no issues with other carriers.

I see no reason to run any other firmware on the Sierra Wireless MC7455 or EM7565 other than the Generic firmware.

If you plan on using the EM7565 in the WE826-T2, you will need a M.2 to Mini PCI-E adapter and change the U.FL antenna pigtails to MHF4. The links to these products are provided on the WE826-T2 listing.