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Can't get DDNS or VPN to add a profile

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 11:42 pm
by rawtashk
I feel like I have to be overlooking something, but I've been at it for over an hour with no luck.

I can't add an OpenVPN instance or DDNS. I try to add either one of those options and I just get taken to a screen with no options other than "Back to Overview" "Save and Apply" "Save" or "Reset". The URL looks like it's created something (ddns/detail/testDDNS), but there's absolutely nothing to edit there to finish the DDNS setup. Same for VPN. I've tried with the newest GoldenOrb firmware and the November GodlenOrb firmware, but I can't get it to show any sort of page to edit the connection(s). And there are no connections listed when I go back to the main settings page for either VPN or DDNS, just "This section contains no values yet"

I'm not a dummy with this kind of stuff either, so I'm to the point of extreme frustration as to why I can't seem to figure out how to get any of this to work.


Re: Can't get DDNS or VPN to add a profile

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 8:15 am
by JimHelms
It has been a while since I have played with OpenVPN on GOldenOrb and only briefly then.

Maybe someone else can be of more help.

Or you may ask the guys over at the GoldenOrb (aka, ROOter) forum.

Re: Can't get DDNS or VPN to add a profile

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 10:27 am
by rawtashk
Is there anothet good option for a 4g LTE router firmware? That's the one that the guides all suggested, so I just went with it.

Re: Can't get DDNS or VPN to add a profile

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 10:31 am
by JimHelms
What router are you using?

GoldenOrb is the most widely uses firmware for custom builds. Have you tried searching their forum for information?

Re: Can't get DDNS or VPN to add a profile

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 11:03 am
by rawtashk
Oh Ya, I should have put that in the first post. The WE826-T2 is the router I'm using.

I tried searching through their forums, but couldn't find anything. And the guides they posted are easy step by step ones, except that I can't even get past step one successfully.

Re: Can't get DDNS or VPN to add a profile

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 2:41 pm
by JimHelms
Did you look through [url=] THIS[/url] tutorial?

Also, I find it easier to search and locate a particular topic on the GoldenOrb forum by using the ARCHIVE.

I then use Ctrl & F to search the archive for keywords. Doing this on the archive returns 398 instances of OpenVPN.

Also, are you hardwired to the router (as opposed to using WiFi) to make the configurations?

Re: Can't get DDNS or VPN to add a profile

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 5:32 pm
by rawtashk
That's the tutorial I was using. The issue is that I can't even successfully create a profile because clicking "add" just takes me to a blank page.

But, now I've bricked it by trying to flash the Mofo4500 firmware to it. Any ideas on how to get it unbricked when you can't connect to it through a browser or SSH, even though it's in bootloader mode and you can successfully ping it all day long? I followed the unbrick guide to a T, but can't get any connectivity through a web page or SSH.

Re: Can't get DDNS or VPN to add a profile

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 6:47 pm
by JimHelms
I have yet to see one of these routers that this TUTORIAL will not work for uploading a firmware.

You may need to reboot your PC....

Re: Can't get DDNS or VPN to add a profile

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2019 7:08 pm
by rawtashk
I'd tried that tutorial about 5 times, but I gave it more and more tries and FINALLY got it to actually show up with the flash firmware option, so at least that's good.

Here's an imgur album of what I see when I try to add an OpenVPN profile. There's nothing to configure in the basic settings, all the sections in the advanced settings are blank with no option to add anything, and going back to the main OpenVPN section will then show as no VPN added at all....BUT I can still get to the VPN I created by URL, but it still doesn't let me configure a single setting because it doesn't SHOW me any settings whatsoever.

I've tried it using 5 different browsers, 3 different PCs, and even in a VM on a brand new machine with no chrome cache whatsoever. No dice with anything.

Re: Can't get DDNS or VPN to add a profile

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2019 7:45 pm
by JimHelms
Just a thought, but what package version of OpenVPN is installed in your GoldenOrb?

The GoldenOrb in this particular router shows an older version than what is available.

Software installed.png
software available.png

Re: Can't get DDNS or VPN to add a profile

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 10:36 am
by JimHelms
There is a new Modem Manager build for the WE826-T2 that includes OpenVPN that you may want to try.

There is also a Tutorial on the forum for configuring Modem Manager.