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PS5 Data being tracked.

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 1:57 pm
by Slaunchdonkey
Hello everyone,

Being one of the few PS5 owners out there doesn't mean all is well. I currently have been throttled even with the TTL 117 for Verizon. On my wifi I have a PC, 4k tv, PS4, and PS5 all on this router, yet the PS5 is the only one somehow triggering Verizon to throttle the device. I bought new powerline adapters to see if they could fix the issue and on the same powerline my pc gets well over 50 mbps while the ps5 gets 600kps. But here is where it gets really weird. I can watch videos at 4k no problem on the ps5 while on that same powerline adapter. If anyone has some suggestions that'd be greatly appreciated and if not completely understandable and hope y'all have a great day.

Re: PS5 Data being tracked.

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 10:31 am
by RuralinternetSucks
What's your setup?

This happened to me with my Verizon but with my PS4. They are notoriously difficult (sometimes impossible) to get around their data issues. At first it started there, and eventually everything went to hotspot. I finally gave it up and got tmobile home internet the other day and it works about the same as it did with Verizon (which is surprising considering the tower is 2x as far as verizons). So just be aware that this *could* be the first sign that your stuff starts going to full hotspot. Or it might not, just saying from experience. But it's best to figure out a backup if possible.

I could get it to stop occasionally by changing the TTL. Have you tried changing the TTL to 64 or 65? As for the 4K issue, the only thing I can think of is the way the program utilizes the network. Is this on like netflix or something? If so does it work the same on others like hulu/disney+? Could be something that Verizons TTL check doesn't pick up. Don't really know for sure. This stuff is practically magic to me lol.

Also have you checked to see if you can get into their beta? Highly dependant on location atm.

Re: PS5 Data being tracked.

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 5:16 pm
by Slaunchdonkey
Sorry to get back to the chat so late. I still haven't gotten it sorted out but I'm going to mess with the TTL. School and everything has needed some catching up. I ordered starlink but it hasn't came into my area yet, let's hope it does soon.

Re: PS5 Data being tracked.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 1:05 pm
by Slaunchdonkey
Well, I found my issue. Within the PS5 internet settings, I changed the mtu to 1473 and it cleared my issue.