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Manufacturer firmware, suggestions?

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 10:42 am
by swagr
I have the WTE826T2 which shipped to me with an old firmware and has been referred to here as the manufacturers firmware. Blue in color, logs in with password only. Is actually WRT but heavily modified.

If I nuke this FW for the Golden Orb here I will no longer get support from Im not entirely certain how valuable support is as so far, this is what I would call a buggy POS with security vulnerabilities set as default. Not for this place I would have been crying bad hardware and simply not known better. WiFix affords me a money back refund for 30 days, I’ve got maybe 10 left.

Do you guys feel I should just keep this and go golden orb? Current issues are log file has 2019 and 2020 dates and is sorted on random making it impossible to see latest log stamps in order. The ones I do see are the router rebooting up to a few hundred times in under 5 minutes. In 10 days of trying to have uptime its never beat a couple hours.

I can’t enter in AT commands and the logging it does have is very limited. My apn settings are:
apn = broadband
country = US
isp = AT
onboot = yes
proto = qmi
wwan_first = yes

I am getting the below error non stop now. Reboot, right to this error. I don’t think I’m even given an IP, it has a strange internet connection. Not fully dead but mostly. Never seen I link down behave this way.

[06-26_19:01:28:185] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 310, MNC: 410, PS: Attached, DataCap: LTE

Is that a message from AT&T stating “hey, your over your data cap!” If it is, I’m not sure what to do. I bought a grandfathered tablet unlimited account and the SIM card guy says he has no idea what to do to help me. If it’s not data overage, what might I do to correct it?

How much does the connection of the cellular radio matter to down and upload speeds? Can one calculate their theoretical max up/down assuming no load based on some lesser than 100% radio link? For example,, 50% radio link and 50 down 50 up at 100% link do I just double? Or is it non linear or completely non-correlatable?.

I have the old Jenky antennae’s and the chipset that Maher WiFi garbage. I’ll pop a good MIMI WIFI router in place abs just use this as my WAN Internet eventually. Given the antennae I currently have can someone explain to me how to best point them if I know where the tower is? Are the round poles Omni directional and tx/rx in a donut pattern around the poles? What us the scale?or are they maybe only 240 degrees of tx/rx I would love to jeer. How to set antennae’s up.