em7565 no carrier aggrigation?
Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 11:59 am
I have had a mofi4500 on Verizon network with TracFone.vzwentp apn for a year, and it has no problem with 2x carrier aggregation. Usually lock to bands 4 and 13. Usually 50 down and 30 up.
Trying to pick up 3x CA, esp band 66, but on my new build of an em7565 in a nexq6go it wants to lock only to band 2 and and it seems to do no aggregation. Getting 18 down and 10 up.
What do I need to do to make CA work? signal strength 90-100% and -9 RSRQ
Trying to pick up 3x CA, esp band 66, but on my new build of an em7565 in a nexq6go it wants to lock only to band 2 and and it seems to do no aggregation. Getting 18 down and 10 up.
What do I need to do to make CA work? signal strength 90-100% and -9 RSRQ