New MIMO Antenna Setup Help

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New MIMO Antenna Setup Help

Post by GB.Fertig »

Sierra Wireless MC7455 CAT6 4G LTE-A Modem

The following was my signals using the included antenna:

Code: Select all

Current Time:  3334290		Temperature: 35
Reset Counter: 1		Mode:        ONLINE         
System mode:   LTE        		PS state:    Attached     
LTE band:      B2     		LTE bw:      15 MHz  
LTE Rx chan:   875		LTE Tx chan: 18875
EMM state:     Registered     	Normal Service 
RRC state:     RRC Connected  
IMS reg state: No Srv  		

PCC RxM RSSI:  -85		RSRP (dBm):  -108
PCC RxD RSSI:  -86		RSRP (dBm):  -110
Tx Power:      --			TAC:         1225 (4645)
RSRQ (dB):     -9.3		Cell ID:     011FFE09 (18873865)
SINR (dB):      8.6
I recently purchased two 700-2700MHz 15dBi 4G LTE Directional Antenna (Linear ± 45°) with the plan for a mimo setup. I followed the guides on here doing this setup:


My signal seems to have improved:

Code: Select all

Current Time:  3337375		Temperature: 45
Reset Counter: 1		Mode:        ONLINE         
System mode:   LTE        		PS state:    Attached     
LTE band:      B2     		LTE bw:      15 MHz  
LTE Rx chan:   875		LTE Tx chan: 18875
EMM state:     Registered     	Normal Service 
RRC state:     RRC Connected  
IMS reg state: No Srv  		

PCC RxM RSSI:  -64		RSRP (dBm):  -90
PCC RxD RSSI:  -65		RSRP (dBm):  -91
Tx Power:      --			TAC:         1225 (4645)
RSRQ (dB):     -7.7		Cell ID:     011FFE09 (18873865)
SINR (dB):     13.2
What seems different on my signal is I am only seeing 1 down and up signal and everyone posting mimo setups seem to have two down and up signals. How do i know if I am getting a mimo signal? Is there a setting in the WE826 I need to turn on to enable this?
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Re: New MIMO Antenna Setup Help

Post by gscheb »

Honestly confused by your question.
When you say 1 up and down, are you saying that you only have one band?
Meaning you are only getting Band 2 on your reading?
You are getting a mimo signal on one band.
PCC RxM RSSI: -64 RSRP (dBm): -90
PCC RxD RSSI: -65 RSRP (dBm): -91
Blue is your main antenna
Green is your diversity or secondary antenna

Having two bands is Carrier Aggregation. Which typically only happens when it is needed. Try running a speed test and while it is running do this AT command again and see if you get the Carrier Aggregation with two bands on the device.
If that is what you are talking about by your question.
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Re: New MIMO Antenna Setup Help

Post by GB.Fertig »

Thanks for the reply.

As you can tell, I am new to this. I wasn't sure how to tell if the MIMO was working or not. I did try what you stated running the at!gstatus? while a speed test was running, I still only have 1 band and I guess from your reply that is ok?

Getting speeds like 20-30mb down and 16-18mb up with new antenna setup. I do have 20' of LMR-400 cable right now as well, are these speeds reasonable for my antenna signal?

GB Fertig
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Re: New MIMO Antenna Setup Help

Post by gscheb »

Here is a chart used to check signal stats. According to this you have a good signal.
Signal Metrics.PNG
In my experience it depends on what the provider will allow you to get.
No matter how strong your signal is can only get what you can get.
Try at another time of day and see if it is faster.

Have seen before less signal strength to a farther away tower produce faster speeds.

If you look at this LTE band: B2 LTE bw: 15 MHz
If you look at the 15 Mhz
At your peak speeds of 30 you are getting 30mbps/15Mhz=2
That is 2 mbps per Mhz
At this very moment I am getting 3.3 down per Mhz (my signal stats are not as good as yours)
So if you where getting this it would be 15Mhz*3.3=49.5 mbps
I have heard someone on here say they where getting 5mbps per Mhz. I have never speeds like that.
This is what I think the providers call data management.
It sometimes just depends on the provider and the tower location.

Not sure why you would only have one band. Did you get this modem new? Is there a chance it is locked to one band?

If you had another band on there with Carrier Aggregation is would add to your MHz. Even just one more band with 5Mhz could possible ad another 10 down.
Hope this all makes some sense to you.

With that all being said you can do allot with 20-30 down.
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Re: New MIMO Antenna Setup Help

Post by SliverGT »

I have the same antennas and my speeds are better with them pointing straight up and down vs turned 45 degrees.
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Re: New MIMO Antenna Setup Help

Post by GB.Fertig »

I got the modem new in December, but I had some initial problems getting connected to the AT&T tower so I may have locked myself out of another band for all I know. I will look at the commands and see if I can figure that out.

Any help on how to check if I locked my bands by mistake is appreciated.
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Re: New MIMO Antenna Setup Help

Post by gscheb »

These commands are copied from this thread =

To check what bands we are locked to, we can always use the following command: at!band?

If you are having connection issues with the modem, then you may want to avoid locking the bands to any specific
frequency and allow the modem to connect as it wishes:

There may be times were one needs to restore the modem to its OEM configurations. This will effectively reset any changes you have made to the modem's settings.
To restore to OEM settings:
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Re: New MIMO Antenna Setup Help

Post by GB.Fertig »

I did the following:

Code: Select all

After that I did a power reboot on the modem and the modem connected to a second band

Code: Select all

Current Time:  1340		Temperature: 49
Reset Counter: 1		Mode:        ONLINE         
System mode:   LTE        		PS state:    Attached     
LTE band:      B2     		LTE bw:      15 MHz  
LTE Rx chan:   875		LTE Tx chan: 18875
LTE CA state:  INACTIVE    	LTE Scell band:B29    
LTE Scell bw:5 MHz   		LTE Scell chan:9685
EMM state:     Registered     	Normal Service 
RRC state:     RRC Connected  
IMS reg state: No Srv  		

PCC RxM RSSI:  -64		RSRP (dBm):  -90
PCC RxD RSSI:  -66		RSRP (dBm):  -92
SCC RxM RSSI:  -73		RSRP (dBm):  -89
SCC RxD RSSI:  -83		RSRP (dBm):  -100
Tx Power:      --		TAC:         1225 (4645)
RSRQ (dB):     -7.3		Cell ID:     011FFE09 (18873865)
SINR (dB):     10.6
My download speeds jumped to 48mb down, which was great however that didn't last long I checked it 30min later when I was going to type this but Wireless Joint seem to be offline and it was back to just the B2 band @ 15MHz only and speeds dropped back down into the high 20s again.

I guess there is no way to force or encourage it to stay connected to the two bands is there?

Thanks for the help and advice.
GB Fertig
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Re: New MIMO Antenna Setup Help

Post by BillA »

GB.Fertig wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 3:03 pm After that I did a power reboot on the modem and the modem connected to a second band
My download speeds jumped to 48mb down, which was great however that didn't last long I checked it 30min later when I was going to type this but Wireless Joint seem to be offline and it was back to just the B2 band @ 15MHz only and speeds dropped back down into the high 20s again.

I guess there is no way to force or encourage it to stay connected to the two bands is there?

Thanks for the help and advice.
GB Fertig

You could lock it onto a single band (whichever gives you the highest speeds), but as soon as you define two or more, then you'll have no control over which specific band it will lock onto. Course with a single band lock you won't be able to get CA, but that's probably the least of your problems.
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Re: New MIMO Antenna Setup Help

Post by gscheb »

[quote=GB.Fertig post_id=7667 time=1588708985 user_id=2030]
I did the following:

Code: Select all


Did you do the reset command after this?
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Re: New MIMO Antenna Setup Help

Post by pistolaro2 »

SliverGT wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 9:42 am I have the same antennas and my speeds are better with them pointing straight up and down vs turned 45 degrees.
Speeds better, however are your antenna stats better? (sorry for the crazy question, however I spent 5-6 hours trying to get these to work for me yesterday) without significant material improvement.

Very frustrating. Stats were very poor.
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Re: New MIMO Antenna Setup Help

Post by pistolaro2 »

How far apart is the recommendation to install these in MIMO format? I have mine at 17 inches as measured between N connectors.
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