EM75XX -- Restoring Modem AT Command Port (After Using Wrong Commands)

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EM75XX -- Restoring Modem AT Command Port (After Using Wrong Commands)

Post by JimHelms »

Using the incorrect AT Commands to change the composition of an EM7565/EM7511/MC7411 mode to QMI and/or MBIM is a common mistake which results in removing the modem's AT Command port.

Most generally this occurs when using the AT Commands on the EM7565/EM7511 that apply to the EM/MC74XX modems. The difference in the command as very minor (i.e., 1 digit).

For instance, to place a MC7455 modem in MBIM composition uses the AT Command:

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where the EM75XX requires:

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The modem can fixed while installed in or behind a router running OpenWRT/GoldenOrb/WiFiX firmware.

Using PuTTy, login the router using the routers IP address, generally

Once in, run the following command:

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echo 1199 9091 > /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/option1/new_id
Then repair the config with:

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picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0
Then place the modem in MBIM composition with the follow commands:

Code: Select all


And, that should do it.

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