Mofi 4500 being throttled on Visible?

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Mofi 4500 being throttled on Visible?

Post by Kuato »

Hello all!
Wondering if anyone is aware of any settings on the Mofi 4500 sim7 that would help me see increased speeds using VISIBLE network.

Currently I get an average of 2mbps down (so like .3-5mpbs). It's really odd because the Mofi rarely gets anything over 5mbps which makes me think Visible is throttling it as hotspot data.

I have a Mifi 7330L with visible and it gets 7mpbs on average so (3mpbs-15mbps) and so it' suprising the same sim, same location, same everything the Mofi underperforms. I've tried different bands I've tried changing TTL between 64 and 65 and I've tried using a custom APN or Visible settings. Really doesn't go any faster.

Me thinks maybe my Mifi 7330L is not registering as a hotspot and is getting the the phone data and Mifi 4500 is being throttled. Any suggestions.
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Re: Mofi 4500 being throttled on Visible?

Post by Erickpal »

I have the MOFI 4500 SIM4 and I am getting speeds over 50 mbps. working on visible also. Try changing your settings.
Also are you using the antennas that came with the MOFI if you are check your signal strength. I have two yagis set up in MIMO and signal is -85 +/- and quality is a solid -8/-9.
Feel free to ask for more details.
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Re: Mofi 4500 being throttled on Visible?

Post by jonathan_winters »

Visible officially throttles the tethered bandwidth to 5Mbps, so if it seems like you're bumping up to any limits in that approximate range (assuming you get faster speeds on other devices, like you said) then your traffic is probably being classified as tethered and throttled as such.

When I hit this on my modem, I set the TTL to 117 and my performance instantly jumped to the same as when then SIM was on my phone. To test this, I repeated switching the TTL back and forth, and it impacted the performance in the same way every time. I'm certain that the TTL was the cause of the throttling in my own situation. It is a super simple change, so it is probably worth giving it a try.

Let us know how it goes!
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Re: Mofi 4500 being throttled on Visible?

Post by gscheb »

Visible TTL is 64
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Re: Mofi 4500 being throttled on Visible?

Post by kzaudio »

How do you change the TTL on the 4500? Thanks
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Re: Mofi 4500 being throttled on Visible?

Post by kzaudio »

Nevermind, I found it.
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Re: Mofi 4500 being throttled on Visible?

Post by george13 »

They changed something. TTL 64 is no longer working. I remember they changed it previously from 65 to 64, but now they changed something else along with TTL. It doesn't matter what TTL you type and reboot a router - it always 5 Mbps Down and 5 Mbps Up.
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Re: Mofi 4500 being throttled on Visible?

Post by Shadesta »

Agreed, Visible must be doing something else. constantly throttled to 5mb up/down. So far the only times I can get around this is to put the sim back in the phone and then spend the next 30 to 40 minutes with the online chat support until the actually "reprovision", or whatever they call it, the phone in which they supposedly remove it from their network and then we go back through the steps to get it added back to their network. you can usually tell on your phone because once your throttled even your phone internet speeds are throttle to 5mb up/down, which isn't supposed to be (only tethered or hot spot). Anyways, once the tech support gets it right, doing speed tests on your phone at sites like should get above the 5mb limits up/down. <-- once that happens you can then put the sim back in your Mofi. The pain in the butt part of this: it only appears to work for about a week and then you get throttled again. pifft. pain in the butt. I have done this now, once a week, for the last 4 weeks. stupid.

I personally started to notice the 5mb cap up/down starting about 3 months ago. no clue what is going on or how to get around it. just confuses me because if I reboot the Mofi then usually speeds will hit 20 or 30mb up/down for like the first 10 to 15 minutes before the throttle kicks in. then back to 5mb. if you go the tech support route, and they actually reset your account/phone, then the un-throttled part seems to last for about a week. What I don't know, as far as the week timing goes, is if it is actually a week or if they are monitoring/changing things on a weekend. what I mean by that is: Every time I have got ahold of support was on a Monday or Tuesday. They reset it, then it works up until sometime on the weekend, then drops again. What I haven't done is wait till like Thursday or Friday, go through the support route, and then see if it resets on the weekend; thus meaning (in my mind) they are running a script or something on their systems during the weekends. Changing TTL settings appears to do absolutely nothing anymore, at least not on a Mofi device.
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Re: Mofi 4500 being throttled on Visible?

Post by Rich Hathaway »

That means you do not have it set up right, for visible you need to repair the IMEI, FID, MEID, pESN, TTL for v4 and v6 or your device/account will get flagged everytime.
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Re: Mofi 4500 being throttled on Visible?

Post by Shadesta »

I have the ISP TTL setting set for the linux-2 65 option in the Mofi, thats what it defaults to when I select visible as a carrier. IPv6 on the mofi I have disabled, not sure if that matters or not.

on my computer I have ran/set both IPv4 and IPv6 with these:
netsh int ipv4 set glob defaultcurhoplimit=65
netsh int ipv6 set glob defaultcurhoplimit=65

Not sure what else there is to do. as far as "repair" the IME, FID, MEID, and pESN and do not see a repair option or setting like that in the mofi. I see a "Press here to Re-fetch IMEI/ICCID" button, which I have done.

If there is something I am missing on the mofi could you be slightly more specific on where I find the options or command to run on the mofi somehow (mofi4500-sim7)? I have been running the mofi since last September and it was running just fine/smooth with speeds around 35mb u/d. its just been the last 3 months where something has changed and I cannot seem to narrow it down.
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Re: Mofi 4500 being throttled on Visible?

Post by Rich Hathaway »

check your ttl by pinging the mofi this will tell you the outgoing ttl, only worry about postrouting you need not worry about prerouting for ttl, you should set it on the device and not so much on the connected pc. I think the mofi's have a setting for it in their admin panel.
The IMEI you will have to do your own research this forum does not like info about repairing it here, the MEID and pESN you can disable so you dont have to change them by setting the scm (slot cycle mode) to 2A it will be likely set to 3A by default.
The FID you can change by DM command, there may be an AT command to change it in that one I am not sure I do not have that device to look at.
Set it to all 0's
I will pull and attach the tech sheet from sierra for MC7455 I think that is the module yours has but either way the AT commands should be similar and most will be in there.
also try using 64 for visible
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Re: Mofi 4500 being throttled on Visible?

Post by Shadesta »

thank you for that information sir.
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Re: Mofi 4500 being throttled on Visible?

Post by brcisna »



8 hours later,,,getting back home from a long motorcylce trip,,,didnt touch a thing & download & upload speeds are back to 'normal'. Go figure. Are your download upload still limited to 5 mBps? Just curious.

Yesterday we were getting about 35 mBps Visible download and and abot 1.5 mBps Up ,,have been for weeks. Have the TTL set to 64 which has always been set to.
Router was on all night . Today Sunday 10/17/2021 it is 5 mBps down & up,,and yes just as you said it is a if you were in a tethered setup. Never messed with any settings. Just happened "during the night"
Post up if you learn of anything, please.

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Re: Mofi 4500 being throttled on Visible?

Post by DDK65JAG »

I was wondering if anyone else was getting a 5mbps throttle. I've not made any changes since I
first noticed this, it seems to last for a day then reverts back to normal 75>90mbps speed. It only
happens occasionally. When it happens it seems to be an obvious throttling, as the speed test
download jumps to approx 7.5mbps then quickly drops to just over 5mbps, upload does the same.

The first time it happened, I thought Oh-oh busted.
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Re: Mofi 4500 being throttled on Visible?

Post by gscheb »

Yes it has been going around for awhile now. Only current known way around it is TTL of 66 or higher and use a vpn. Or you will get the sometimes throttled and sometimes not throttled situation.
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Re: Mofi 4500 being throttled on Visible?

Post by Dr-BroadBand »

Some have talked about using a VPN to hide your modem.

Maybe 🤔 give that a try
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Re: Mofi 4500 being throttled on Visible?

Post by gscheb »

Can try this with out purchasing a vpn or putting one on a router it self. Just on a phone down load the cloudflare app. Connect to a warp function. This is a free and safe vpn.
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Re: Mofi 4500 being throttled on Visible?

Post by Shadesta »

perhaps visible is just having issues? Employees or hardware or something...stupid covid. tonight, while at my parents house after work, I ran another speed test fully expecting to see 5 mb up and down. But tonight it was 3 mb down pretty consistent yet it was uploading at about 40 mb. I ran the test 3 times and each time came out pretty much the same. that one is unusual for me. it was around 6pm our time, if that means anything.

Ultimately, even if it was just 5 up and down, that is still light years above the 33.6k and sometimes 48k their dial up modem would connect at for internet. They have been using visible since about September/October of last year, don't remember exactly when I hooked them up with that. Along with running all new rg6 coax throughout their house and purchasing TCL roku TVs for them which are also ran connected to the mofi for all the free channels; they appear to be using on average about 500 gig of data a month. for $25 a month that is still unbeatable compared to satellite internet costs.
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Re: Mofi 4500 being throttled on Visible?

Post by Didneywhorl »

Usually if you see low downloads and high uploads, you are experiencing network congestion. The Visible accounts are low priority on the Verizon network. So if there are a lot of people on the tower at once, the lower priority traffic will lose downlink speeds first, since uplink is generally not used for much traffic in the grand scheme of tower load, it remains high.
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Re: Mofi 4500 being throttled on Visible?

Post by BairyHalls »

Erickpal wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 4:03 pm I have the MOFI 4500 SIM4 and I am getting speeds over 50 mbps. working on visible also. Try changing your settings.
Also are you using the antennas that came with the MOFI if you are check your signal strength. I have two yagis set up in MIMO and signal is -85 +/- and quality is a solid -8/-9.
Feel free to ask for more details.
Any chance I could get a screenshot of your mofi settings? TYIA
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Re: Mofi 4500 being throttled on Visible?

Post by slickmick83 »

I'm also be throttled and not sure about router settings, very confusing.
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Re: Mofi 4500 being throttled on Visible?

Post by RuralJMC »

Rather than making a new thread I am posting here to see if there are any updates on this topic? I have a Mofi4500 sim7 with a Visible sim set up last November. Long story short, I had Zero signal In this location on a cellphone but was able to achieve 10mbs +- download after pairing the router with a long range parabolic and Wilson yagi 30’ in the air directed at the nearest tower. However, I have recently moved to a much better location and after setting up the Mofi temporarily with the factory antennas was already seeing 25Mbs+ download. This only lasted for about a week and I haven’t changed anything. Now I have little to no download/upload and the connection to the tower hasn’t changed.

I suspect Visible has shut me down as I have tried everything I have come across on this forum to try and resolve this issue. Any input would be appreciated. TIA
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