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by synamrao
Tue Jul 13, 2021 8:32 pm
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Re: PSA: AT&T Doing away with $35 iPad Unlimited.

Yeah, I was wrong / quoted the wrong numbers. On the tablet it does appear to round to about 25.

I don't know why their print out gave me those crazy numbers. Now that some billing has happened, I see that it is as it should be.
by synamrao
Sun Oct 03, 2021 8:49 am
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Re: Nighthawk M5 MR5100

It took some study of the working of Linux and Python but I did manage to unlock the engineering section of the Snapdragon X55 the M5 uses. I was able to "repair" things that are not available on the open section of the modem. Everything one needs is packaged and just needs to be run. The package ...