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by MattB29
Wed Feb 10, 2021 11:17 am
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Re: wg1608 + quectel em12 + att sim

Quectel AT commands are different than the Sierra and what I gave you might not work with it. You can get the entire AT command set from: Maybe someone else can give you better advice on which would be the ...
by MattB29
Mon Feb 08, 2021 6:30 am
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Re: wg1608 + quectel em12 + att sim

Two ways of seeing your connection. You can go to Modem>Network Status>Signal information or you can go to Modem>Miscellaneous and give the AT command: AT!GSTATUS?

Also in Miscellaneous there is Cellular Mode where you can select 4G only.
by Didneywhorl
Sat Feb 13, 2021 6:04 pm
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Re: wg1608 + quectel em12 + att sim

Your cell tower may be different than 'others' can you get better speeds with a cell phone in the same location using ATT? Your tower may be congested, or the em12 may be sticking to a band that is saturated, even though it may be the strongest signal.