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by poodad
Sun Aug 30, 2020 9:52 pm
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Re: My Ultimate LTE router using a Raspberry pi 4B

Ok, time to update the build thread. I received my Sierra Wireless MC7565. I've been waiting for The Wireless Haven to open to buy their M2. USB3 enclosure, but I went ahead and bought a cheapo M.2 adapter off Amazon figuring I could at least get the modem software updated, which did indeed work ...
by Didneywhorl
Thu May 07, 2020 9:41 am
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Re: What Modem should I use to replace coolpad hotspot from Mobile Citizen - sprint

TL:DR version: Yes, suggestions at the bottom. Long general slightly noobie version: So, lets Clarify... The Sprint based devices do not allow SIM swapping. But! That is a completely literal statement. SPRINT based, official Sprint device, firmware will not allow you to use a SIM from another Sprint ...
by Didneywhorl
Sat May 09, 2020 4:28 pm
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Re: What Modem should I use to replace coolpad hotspot from Mobile Citizen - sprint

Get a router Flash to r00ter Change appropriate settings Power Down Pop in SIM Pop in adapter Pop in Modem Attach proper antenna connectors to modem Power unit up Test connections The generic firmware is something that is needed on the modems, all of those modems listed have a generic firmware ...
by jhend
Tue Sep 29, 2020 3:43 am
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Re: EM20g GPS

You can set the GPS receiver to activate automatically on modem start with the AT command: AT+QGPSCFG="autogps",1 Restart it to activate obviously. Then you can read your position at any time with: AT+QGPSLOC=2 This gives your location in decimal degrees. Use zero or one instead of two in that ...
by poodad
Wed Sep 30, 2020 10:20 am
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Re: My Ultimate LTE router using a Raspberry pi 4B

That's weird - I updated the thread a while back, but the update is gone. The project has felt like one step forward and two steps back. Anyway, after the initial indoor testing, I tried taking the rig up on the roof but a slight mishap ripped both antenna wires out of the connectors. I decided no ...
by BillA
Tue May 05, 2020 1:29 pm
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New ZBT WG1608 5G-ready router + GoldenOrb firmware

. . Here's more info about the new ZBT WG1608 5G-ready router, and a list of 5G modems at the end of this post. In a nutshell, it's a souped up WG3526, while running on the same MT7621 chip, it comes with a new 2G/5G WiFi chipset and other interesting upgrades. It can work with both 4G-LTE and 5G ...
by hazarjast
Fri Oct 02, 2020 10:44 am
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Orbi LBR20 How-To / Megathread

October 2022 Update I loathe boilerplate legalese but it was brought to my attention that someone had copied this tutorial wholesale on another site with only a passing reference to a pseudonym of mine at the very end and no link to this page as the source. Thus, I feel I have to give notice at the ...
by DogTho
Thu Sep 17, 2020 10:00 am
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Re: Rural Internet

Here's my opinion and that's all it is. Recently found a local guy selling TMobile plans and a MoVi 4500 sim7. He locks the MoFi to band 71 because like you, I'm 11 miles from the TMobile B71 tower. Now I live in the foothills of the Blue Ridge, but according to some info I found https://www ...
by toddw
Sat Oct 10, 2020 4:54 am
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Re: Questions for Telit LM960A18 owners, please!

I have tested both the Telit LM960 and LM960A18. The regular 960 worked fine on Tmo and ATT, got 4xCA on both carriers. My issue with the 960 was no band 71. Hence, getting the LM960A18.... Works fine on ATT, though I got info this modem will throttle after 100GB of use on ATT. I haven't run into it ...
by Photon
Mon Sep 28, 2020 2:11 pm
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Re: GPS GNSS Antenna with 4x4 MiMo modems

I believe the 4 "snaps" are labeled M0 M1 M2 and D/G or something like that. The D/G stands for Diversity/GNSS and would be the antenna slot used for GPS. GNSS stands for Global Navigation Satellite System, which can utilize GPS.
by poodad
Sun Oct 18, 2020 11:46 am
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Re: My Ultimate LTE router using a Raspberry pi 4B

It's alive! Frankenrouter (as I've come to call it) is put together and installed. IMG_5604.JPG Inside is the Raspberry Pi 4B, the USB3 M.2 enclosure with a Sierra Wireless 7565. Also notice the heat management system. I drilled some tiny holes in the bottom of the case (you can see the inlet holes ...
by poodad
Mon Oct 19, 2020 8:36 am
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Re: My Ultimate LTE router using a Raspberry pi 4B

OUTSTANDING! Well played Dr. Frankenstein. What are the speeds now that the smoke has settled? Which carrier? Any lessons learned from your modem choice, the Sierra CAT-12? Yes, I would like to see your Perl scripts. Right now, I'm testing with a business class AT&T SIM using the i2gold APN. Speeds ...
by dbgainnut
Fri Oct 30, 2020 7:37 pm
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Re: I want more speed!

I would like to follow up on my prior post 10/15/2020; the cell tower (less than 3 miles away) I was communicating with (given my system setup) suddenly stopped allowing my Netgear MR1100 1.2 gbps to achieve what I considered “super” 400mbps speeds and speeds using the Mofi4500 at 180mbps. This is a ...
by dbgainnut
Thu Oct 15, 2020 10:17 am
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Re: I want more speed!

I’m not great at post discussions that explain the physics of radio communication but I do understand these dual 26db antennas are the way to go if you want to improve or maximize internet speeds through the use of different carrier aggregation bands in 4g and 5g capable modems / routers. They are g ...
by gscheb
Mon Oct 12, 2020 2:09 pm
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Re: Looking to improve signal


Would use this or something like it to see if you can get a path shot at it.
If you can't get a direct shot to it is there anther tower to point to/
by toddw
Fri Nov 27, 2020 5:05 pm
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The Wireless Haven 600 - 3800MHz Yagi's

So I am an avid user of Band 71, and have tested Shurecall, Bolton, RSRF for this band. I then noticed that The Wireless Haven had these in stock: A 600Mhz antenna that goes ...
by bobjones
Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:27 am
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An explanation to load-balancing and cloud firewalls

Hello - I recently wrote up a less technical explanation of my load balancing solution. I do plan on writing up a step-by-step guide but thought an explanation of how this more complex solution can benefit users. There is a similar solution Tutorial on this board by @bnhf2 but, I was already using ...