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by vallkor
Sat Sep 05, 2020 10:38 am
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Re: Visible + EC25-AF + GoldenOrb doesn't connect to LTE

Thanks for your help! It worked! I found that you also need to run the following command before setting right APN: AT+CGDCONT=1;+CGDCONT=2;+CGDCONT=3;+CGDCONT=4;+CGDCONT=5;+CGDCONT=6;+CGDCONT=7;+CGDCONT=8;+CGDCONT=9;+CGDCONT=10;+CFUN=0;+CFUN=1 So updated instruction that worked for me on latest ...
by vallkor
Fri Aug 28, 2020 9:02 am
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Visible + EC25-AF + GoldenOrb doesn't connect to LTE

Hi, Setup: Provider: Visible (unlimited, activated on iPhone) Router: we3926 Mode: Quectel EC-25 AF Firmware: latest GoldenOrb Symptoms: Doesn't connect to LTE tower at all, says "no service", GoldenOrb doesn't get SMS message from SIM. Everything works on AT&T and T-Mobile sim cards for the same ...