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by jmatthew
Sat Jun 20, 2020 4:25 pm
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[SOLVED!] Losing constant Internet connection on Mofi 4500 (and my mind)

( UPDATE 8/4/2020: Scroll to the end of this post for my workaround.) Hi all, First a huge thank you to everyone who participates in these forums. You've all been incredibly helpful as I've figured out how to get a good LTE router setup up and running out in the sticks. But now I've got a problem ...
by 56387f
Fri Dec 04, 2020 4:25 pm
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Re: [SOLVED!] Losing constant Internet connection on Mofi 4500 (and my mind)

So, I finally scheduled a script via cron on the router using WGET to Cloudflare DNS on port 80 every minute and if it failed just power toggle the modem and not bounce the box. This is very clever idea, this is how the connection monitor is implemented in MOFI, you have a choice of pinging or ...
by WarBeard
Tue Dec 29, 2020 12:01 pm
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Which GoldenOrb Firmware for Mofi Sim7 v3 (WE826?/EC25-AF)

Apologies if this is somewhere else in the forum, but I just can't find it... I'm looking to flash GoldenOrb firmware onto my Mofi 4500 Sim7 V3 with (I believe) WE826 (not sure which version) and EC25-AF. Primarily, I'm just trying to make it easier to send AT commands as I've done something to my ...