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by poodad
Sun Aug 02, 2020 12:36 pm
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Re: Raspberry pi 4B and a modem in a USB enclosure power questions

... I'm also toying with the idea of scrapping the RPi and associated software and instead use pfsense on a small x86 system.... pfsense is almost certainly out of the running. The only way FreeBSD (the OS under pfsense) supports LTE modems is via ppp. That limits performance to the 20mb/sec range.
by poodad
Thu Aug 06, 2020 9:57 am
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My Ultimate LTE router using a Raspberry pi 4B

I set out on an adventure to dump my 3Mb/768k DSL in favor of LTE data. Little did I know the depth and breadth of the rabbit hole I was about to plunge into. My first big break was finding @swwifty's thread in this forum on building his router. Inspired by his RPi 3 build, I decided to replicate ...
by poodad
Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:12 am
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Re: Rooter build for Pi4

These statements were true at least about a week ago. I haven't looked lately. There's no GoldenOrb release for the RPi4. There's no stable OpenWRT release for RPi4. The RPi3 image will NOT run on an RPI4. The RPi 2 image *might* run on a RPi4 in 32 bit mode (I've not confirmed). There is a daily ...
by poodad
Fri Aug 21, 2020 7:44 am
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Re: My Ultimate LTE router using a Raspberry pi 4B

Some things to report:

Wifi is broken in the RPi4 builders of OpenWRT. There's some patches that fix this issue in the mainstream linux kernel needed to fix this, but they haven't made it over into the OpenWRT version yet. I'm not using wifi, so no worries for me, but I thought I'd pass it along.
by poodad
Sun Aug 30, 2020 9:52 pm
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Re: My Ultimate LTE router using a Raspberry pi 4B

Ok, time to update the build thread. I received my Sierra Wireless MC7565. I've been waiting for The Wireless Haven to open to buy their M2. USB3 enclosure, but I went ahead and bought a cheapo M.2 adapter off Amazon figuring I could at least get the modem software updated, which did indeed work ...
by poodad
Wed Sep 30, 2020 10:20 am
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Re: My Ultimate LTE router using a Raspberry pi 4B

That's weird - I updated the thread a while back, but the update is gone. The project has felt like one step forward and two steps back. Anyway, after the initial indoor testing, I tried taking the rig up on the roof but a slight mishap ripped both antenna wires out of the connectors. I decided no ...
by poodad
Sun Oct 18, 2020 11:46 am
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Re: My Ultimate LTE router using a Raspberry pi 4B

It's alive! Frankenrouter (as I've come to call it) is put together and installed. IMG_5604.JPG Inside is the Raspberry Pi 4B, the USB3 M.2 enclosure with a Sierra Wireless 7565. Also notice the heat management system. I drilled some tiny holes in the bottom of the case (you can see the inlet holes ...
by poodad
Mon Oct 19, 2020 8:36 am
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Re: My Ultimate LTE router using a Raspberry pi 4B

OUTSTANDING! Well played Dr. Frankenstein. What are the speeds now that the smoke has settled? Which carrier? Any lessons learned from your modem choice, the Sierra CAT-12? Yes, I would like to see your Perl scripts. Right now, I'm testing with a business class AT&T SIM using the i2gold APN. Speeds ...
by poodad
Wed Oct 28, 2020 7:18 am
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Re: Upgrading my current setup with Raspberry Pi

I wouldn't underestimate what the pi is capable of, especially the pi4. The pi4 has gigabit lan and usb 3.0 and there is firmware for all versions of the pi floating around. It was even powerful enough to run OMR which I had used to bond 4 separate providers and use as my main home router. Only ...
by poodad
Wed Oct 28, 2020 7:27 am
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Re: StarLink satellite internet service by SpaceX

I'll sign up the second they offer it to me.
by poodad
Mon Jul 18, 2022 5:38 pm
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Re: My Ultimate LTE router using a Raspberry pi 4B

Came back to find information on how I made this work. I should have posted a followup. Basically, after I got this all set up, I realized that there's no legit way to get an unlimited data plan on AT&T or Verizon. Sprint/T-Mobile has no tower anywhere close to me. Starlink put a nail in this ...