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by gscheb
Sat Aug 29, 2020 12:56 pm
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Re: Visible + EC25-AF + GoldenOrb doesn't connect to LTE

Try my solution. Yipzy helped me to get my EP06 and EM12 to work on Visible. This is what I did. Should be same process for EC25-AF Before you start this might want to set back to OEM state if you been putting other commands in to ...
by BillA
Thu Jul 09, 2020 9:48 pm
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Re: PSA: AT&T Doing away with $35 iPad Unlimited.

Yeah, not sure why I can't send PM's anymore here.... Bill you around? If you'd like, I can help you activate PagePlus or Simple mobile remotely with video throttling disabled through my dealer account, all you have to do it simply insert it into your router and it should be good to go. But first ...
by shwaba
Tue Jul 28, 2020 6:38 pm
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Re: PSA: AT&T Doing away with $35 iPad Unlimited.

I was in one of my prepaid ipad accounts and noticed under the plans that the $34.99 unlimited option is back.
Not sure if this is available for existing customers or everyone. Haven't seen it mentioned anywhere so I thought I'd share.
2020-07-28 18_12_19-Add_Edit Domestic Data Plans.png