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by danielewood
Mon Jul 23, 2018 4:50 pm
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Automated Flashing/Upgrading for all EM/MC74XX modems.

I've written a bash script to automate the entire process of setting up any of the EM/MC74XX series modems (Generic, Dell, Lenovo). This assumes you have the Sierra card inserted into a USB enclosure. From the script description: - Only for use on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS LiveUSB - All Needed Packages will ...
by hazarjast
Fri Oct 02, 2020 10:44 am
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Orbi LBR20 How-To / Megathread

October 2022 Update I loathe boilerplate legalese but it was brought to my attention that someone had copied this tutorial wholesale on another site with only a passing reference to a pseudonym of mine at the very end and no link to this page as the source. Thus, I feel I have to give notice at the ...
by hazarjast
Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:10 pm
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Re: Orbi LBR20 How-To / Megathread

Is there any chance someone can make a step by step guide on how to add the ttl mod for the V9. version ??????????????????????????? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? im just at a loss and i have done the circle mod but the ttl is not sticking so i could really really really use the help ...
by Sam023432
Thu Aug 05, 2021 2:14 pm
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Re: Orbi LBR20 How-To / Megathread

Thank you hazerjast for your awesome work and info! I have my LBR20 running the newest Voxel. I'm running T-mobile Magent Max with working magic on the orbi and using the wifi from the orbi. Even with your great instructions I still can't get my TTL working correctly. Still having some leakage ...
by hazarjast
Sun Aug 15, 2021 10:34 pm
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Re: Orbi LBR20 How-To / Megathread

Thank you hazerjast for your awesome work and info! I have my LBR20 running the newest Voxel. I'm running T-mobile Magent Max with working magic on the orbi and using the wifi from the orbi. Even with your great instructions I still can't get my TTL working correctly. Still having some leakage ...