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by lawnmowerman
Mon May 18, 2020 5:08 pm
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Re: Advice for better setup?

Update: OMG I can’t believe I wasted a year with the booster! I positioned two yagi antennas 90 degrees to each other pointed toward the tower (though absolutely blocked by hills and forest) and connected both to the mofi 4500. We now have consistent and steady internet, no more devices competing f ...
by lawnmowerman
Tue Jan 05, 2021 10:10 am
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Re: Antennas and signal questions

Did having two parabolic antennas help?? Sorry, just seeing this now! Yes, having two parabolic antennas has definitely helped. I also shortened my PVC mast to about 5 ft. (due to the extra weight) and saw no signal loss, and actually more signal consistency since the mast no longer sways in the ...
by lawnmowerman
Tue Feb 16, 2021 6:22 pm
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Re: DMZ - Alternative to Bridging a Router

Ideally you would want to keep the mobile router in full router/DHCP mode with WiFi turned off in order to handle various routing and carrier bypass functions properly. The second router should only act as a dummy access point with routing/DHCP functions turned off and possibly in DMZ mode. It may ...
by lawnmowerman
Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:00 am
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Re: Quectel - Programming Carrier Bands and Groups of Bands

Does that mean it will always use B4 as primary/preferred band? Well, the answer appears to be no. I noticed my internet was slower than usual, checked and found that the modem had selected B13, occasionally aggregating with B4, but definitely using B13 as primary. Sent AT command to lock onto B4 ...
by lawnmowerman
Thu Jan 07, 2021 8:44 am
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Re: Quectel - Programming Carrier Bands and Groups of Bands

I used the Excel doc from the tutorial to generate following AT command to set the Quectel EP06 to look for B4, B13, and B66, in that order: AT+QCFG="band" +QCFG: "band",0x260,0x20000000000001008,0x1 Does that mean it will always use B4 as primary/preferred band? This is what I want. What I don't ...
by lawnmowerman
Sat Dec 04, 2021 8:04 am
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Re: Advice for better setup?

lawnmowerman, I Have questions, I'm in the same boat as you,, very little signal in the middle of nowhere, got the cel-fi go. It works but like you were describing if 1 phone is using data the other phones may or may not connect, would love more detail on your current setup maybe even some pics and ...