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by contempotec
Fri May 25, 2018 10:45 am
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Re: WE826 no WiFi broadcast

Just wanted to close on this. New unit came in and I was finally able to allocate time to set it up and fire it on. Outside of a stupid user error on my part by mixing up the 4G and WiFi antennaes, the new unit works great on WiFi and hard line. Connection to my wireless carrier for the LTE has been ...
by contempotec
Tue Jul 10, 2018 8:53 pm
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Re: No WiFi on WE1326 running GoldenOrb for WG3526

The code from April did the trick. The WE1326 is running like a champ with the MC7455 and allowing the gigabit hardline connection as well as the AC level WiFi. I am surprised that we had to go through all this to get the WE1326 running. I guess not many people buy this unit. The internal 4G ...
by contempotec
Mon Jul 09, 2018 9:12 pm
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Re: No WiFi on WE1326 running GoldenOrb for WG3526

Jim, I did change settings to try and see if I could trigger an attach sequence. New name instead of ROOter, new channel, but nothing I tried worked. I used the recover method to install the OEM firmware. It came up with WiFi running fine. I could see the default WiFi name on my laptop, tablet and ...