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by thejohnfist
Fri Jul 19, 2019 11:14 am
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Re: New tower, better signal, worse bandwidth...

Ah yes, fiber would spoil someone no doubt.

Band locking would be the easiest solution, if it works out that way. If not, maybe you'll be lucky enough that one tower is far enough aside from the other in your view that you could exclude one using yagis or some other narrow directional antenna.
by thejohnfist
Sun Mar 29, 2020 1:01 pm
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Re: PSA: AT&T Doing away with $35 iPad Unlimited.

Twoods196 wrote: Sun Mar 29, 2020 8:46 am Can you provide the link where you login to your prepaid iPad plan? The one I was using is saying this is no longer where you login too. Thanks
I just use the ipadlanding page, which forwards me to:
by thejohnfist
Thu May 07, 2020 6:09 pm
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Re: WE826-T2 and EM7565 - No Modem Present?

It was newer, yes. I'm pretty sure the modem is dead. Put in the new modem and everything went right back to normal.
by thejohnfist
Thu Oct 01, 2020 3:25 pm
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T-mobile network users - Question for you!

Do your devices (hotspots/modems) now connect to Sprint bands as well? I live in an area where Tmo is lacking severely but Sprint has always been strong. Curious is Tmo is now using Sprint simultaneously and seamlessly or not.
by thejohnfist
Fri Oct 02, 2020 12:38 pm
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Re: New here, need hotspot, or truly unlimited data help

OP - do you know any of your neighbors who have wired internet? It would be a lot cheaper for you to set up a local wireless configuration from someone else's house and beam it to yours if it's on the same street. Plus you'd have real unlimited with no risk of losing it. Hardware probably only runs ...
by thejohnfist
Thu Oct 01, 2020 8:02 am
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Re: Great DL, Terrible UL - any ideas on a better antenna setup?

It's also worth noting that at 14 miles, you're doing pretty well with what you have. Most people at that range would have a high end parabolic grid antenna. Chances are, you're going to struggle. You're likely having noise issues at that distance, and since you're the little voice reaching very far ...
by thejohnfist
Fri Oct 02, 2020 12:53 pm
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Re: Great DL, Terrible UL - any ideas on a better antenna setup?

Be careful on your choice of antenna. You need to know which bands you have available to you before you purchase one. That above linked Parabolic looks like it lacks low end bands, which are more likely what you're getting at that range. There are modems that will MIMO upload, but the cheaper ones I ...
by thejohnfist
Sun Oct 11, 2020 12:30 am
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PSA - ATT iPad Plan Users who got kicked or need replacement.

The $20 Postpaid plan IS available, you DO NOT need a phone account. The reps in the stores won't be able to see it on their plan list, they have to SEARCH BY PLAN USING IMEI. If they do that and you give them a tablet that can use their network, it'll show up, $20 tablet only plan. I'm using it ...
by thejohnfist
Wed Oct 14, 2020 8:54 am
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Re: PSA - ATT iPad Plan Users who got kicked or need replacement.

Did you notice any Video throttling by chance? I honestly can't say for sure, since AT&T removed their hardware from my primary tower, I've gone from getting 70-90mbps to 5-15mbps. So buffering does happen. That being said, when speeds are decent, amazon prime streams fine in 1080. I don't use ...
by thejohnfist
Sun Oct 11, 2020 5:31 pm
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Re: PSA - ATT iPad Plan Users who got kicked or need replacement.

If you're already using the old ipad plan then no changes at all. Otherwise I believe the only change needed for ATT has always been:

Apn: broadband
by thejohnfist
Tue Oct 20, 2020 12:46 pm
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Re: PSA - ATT iPad Plan Users who got kicked or need replacement.

Weird ever since this was posted Ive had Att issues... they are probably going to kill the plan again as more people do it. This is my only option... you have cheap ass people with access to cable internet choosing to do this and people like you making it easy as possible... I can't do anything ...
by thejohnfist
Tue Nov 03, 2020 10:14 am
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Re: Calyx, PCsforPeople, Mobile Citizen users - input?

I am currently using these antennas: Band 41 has a 'decent' range. Good antennas should pick it up beyond 3 miles pretty easy, but the hill could prevent it. That being said ...
by thejohnfist
Tue Nov 10, 2020 9:52 am
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Re: Help Me Find a Replacement for ATT iPad Plan

Why wouldn't you just get the $20 unlim postpaid ipad plan? I switched from the prepaid $35plan to Postpaid $20 plan and have had no issues.